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South American Cichlids • Opinion on Green Terror Fins



Hello all,

New guy to the forum. I wanted to ask for your thoughts about the appearance of my green terror’s fins, which look more clamped than I remember them to be. Behavior-wise, the green terror still eats and is still pretty active.

About my tank set up: 120 gallon fully cycled tanked. Readings are 0 / 0 / 20ish nitrates. I keep 2 clown loaches, 5 clown loaches, a flower horn, a red devil, 2 blood parrots, a fire mouth, a Texas cichlid, a Severum and a Jaguar cichlid.

Any ideas or possibility that the GT now has a parasite? I haven’t noticed any clamped fins in my other fish.

Please Help.

Thanks !

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.


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Any ideas or possibility that the GT now has a parasite? I haven’t noticed any clamped fins in my other fish.
Please Help.
Thanks !

it does not look like a sick fish. You have mixed cichlids of different waters, north, central and south america. it may not even be ill because it has very aggressive tankmates like flower, red devil, jaguar and texas. Surely severum and firemouth suffer with these tankmates. For him it could only be a problem of dominance.

Ciao Enrico

Guida Ciclidi

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Numero 1/2024

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